Web design - Touch and interactions
Ensure that the user keeps control over interactions, particularly tactile ones
Provide an alternative to complex gestures #
Target: everyone in particular, people with motor or visual disability and mobility.
When during design and development.
For each complex gestural interaction, an alternative must be available (for example a non-gestural or simplified alternative).
Similarly for interactions requiring a change of orientation of the screen (tilting, rotation, shaking ...).
Complex gesture: any multi-pointer gesture (requiring several fingers), and / or path-bases gesture.
Simplified gesture: an alternative requiring a single pointer (one finger) without path-based gesture.
Provide an alternative to dragging movement #
Target : everyone, in particular people with motor or visual disability and mobility.
When : during design and development.
Description :
For each drag-and-drop interaction, an alternative that does not require a dragging movement is available.
This criterion only concerns movements where only the starting and end points are taken into account without path-based gesture.
Dragging movement: Action of clicking on a starting point, then holding contact during movement, then releasing the pointer at the final position. .
Do :
A map allows users to drag the map view. The map has also up/down/left/right buttons to move the view. .
Exception :
The dragging movement functionality is:
- essential (dexterity games)
- controlled by the user agent and not modified
WCAG reference: